Lunch and Learn: On the Ground at Fukushima
A presentation by Prof. David Novog of McMaster University, with opening remarks by Jason Wight, Deputy SVP, Pickering Nuclear
Where: Pickering Admin 1 Conference Room
When: Tuesday, May 16, 12:15 pm
Who: Prof. David Novog of McMaster University
Price: Free, OPG Employees Only
Link: Click Here for the Lunch and Learn Flyer
Close to 20 participants from Engineering, Operations and Maintenance at Pickering joined us for lunchtime session featuring Dr. David Novog from McMasterU. His Fukushima update sollicited much interest and good discussion which could have gone on for quite a while had we not run out of time and lost our meeting room. We got a great message from the Director of Engineering, Jason Wight, who turned out to be the perfect person to introduce David, having been one of his former students.
Lunch and Learn: On the Ground at Fukushima
A presentation by Prof. David Novog of McMaster University, with opening remarks by Nienke Smith, Quality Engineering Manager, Projects, OPG-Nuclear
Where: Darlington Energy Complex Auditorium, Courtice
When: Friday, May 5, 12:15 pm
Who: Prof. David Novog of McMaster University
Price: Free
Link: Click Here for the Lunch and Learn Flyer
Dr. David Novog presented to approximately 80 Darlington Refurbishment and Operations staff and contractors, and guests from as far as Deep River – a great turnout for a first event at this location, the Darlington Energy Complex. We would like to thank Nienke Smith, Quality Engineering Manager, for her great message of support for the CNS and for encouraging OPG staff to get engaged. This was the third Lunch & Learn session of a set of four, all very successful at attracting members and non-members of the CNS, a total of 150 attendees so far!
Lunch and Learn: Fast Reactors
A presentation by Dan Meneley, Past President of the CNS, with opening remarks by Steve Woods, SVP Nuclear Engineering and Chief Nuclear Engineer
Where: 777 Brock Road Auditorium, OPG, Pickering
When: Thursday, May 4, 12:15 pm
Who: Dan Meneley, Past President of the CNS
Price: Free
Link: Click Here for the Poster
This session was held at 777 Brock Rd Auditorium and saw a great turnout. The audience was very engaged and interested in Dan’s presentation. There were good questions asked at the end of presentation which led into very interesting discussion.
Lunch and Learn: Fast Reactors
A presentation by Dan Meneley, Past President of the CNS, with opening remarks by
Zar Khansaheb, Director of Operations & Maintenance, Darlington
Where: OSB Auditorium, Darlington Nuclear
When: Friday, April 21, 12:15 pm
Who: Dan Meneley, Past President of the CNS
Price: Free, OPG Employees only
Link: Click Here for the Lunch and Learn Flyer
Dr. Dan Meneley presented to over 30 Darlington staff members. There were many good questions, great discussion, and much interest in the CNS. We would like to thank Zar Khansaheb, the Director of Ops and Mtce, for his great message of support for the CNS and for encouraging OPG staff to get engaged. We are looking forward to future events at that location, and hope to get further engagement not only from Engineering, but also from Operations, Maintenance and other Support Groups.
Thank you, Dan, for a job well done!