Recent Events

Recent GHS Seminars and Activities

Dr. David LeBlanc
Dec. 13, 2016.
“Terrestrial Energy’s Integral Molten Salt Reactor”

All-Chairs Meeting
Dec. 8, 2016.
All CNS branch chairs met in Toronto to discuss best practices of the branches, and how to improve branch engagement with membership. The meeting was very productive and many idea’s were shared.

Nuclear Workers Seminar Series: Part 1 – Nov. 29th, 2016.

Chris Heysel, P. Eng.
“McMaster’s Nuclear Reactor and Nuclear Facilities”
Dr. Raphael Galea
“Measurement Sciences and Standards”

The Canadian Nuclear Society’s Golden Horseshoe Branch has started a student led initiative which invites employees of the nuclear industry to talk to students about their work, research, education, experiences, and career paths. The idea is to show students the diversity of the nuclear industry in terms of both jobs and educational background so they are aware of possible career options, and to promote the importance of nuclear power and research in Canada and around the world.

Dean Townsend, P. Eng.
Nov. 22, 2016.
“Innovative Use of Technology in Nuclear Power”

Dr. Rian Prinsloo and Dr. Francois van Heerden
Oct 6, 2016.
“The OSCAR System as a Research Platform and Industrial Support Tool for Research Reactor Core Analysis”

Dr. Djarot S. Wisnubroto – Chairman of BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency), Indonesia 
June 17, 2016
“Policy and Strategy on Nuclear Energy Program in Indonesia”

Dr. Nihan Onder – Fuel Development Branch, CNL 
June 10, 2016.
“Accident Tolerant Fuels for Nuclear Reactors”

Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair (BASEF)
BASEF took place on March 31st with over 550 students from grades 7-12. The Golden Horseshoe Branch of the CNS sent the chair, Jason Sharpe, and another McMaster student, David Joyal, to judge many of the projects of which four winners were selected. On April 5th $400 in awards was presented, by Jason, to the four students.

Dr. Robert Walker – Past Presicent of AECL
December 8, 2015
“Thoughts on the Science-Policy Interface in a Complex World”
(Co-hosted with the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University)

Dr. Catherine Landesman – National Scientific Research Center, France
September 21, 2015
“France’s Nuclear Waste Management Program”

Dr. Ashok Khanna
“Thermalhydraulic Calculations for BWRs”